Between You and Emu

Link to this blogpost: Before, Emu was a lookalike for Carol Burnett - just ravishing! Emu worked in a factory assembly line when she wasn't standing in for Carol. She had an π₯ affair with a coworker and tragically he lost his life on the job. But she was married. She had a backstage fling with Jimmy Fallon while on break as stand-in for Carol. One day, she got her umbrella ☂️ and flew to his studio, and crashed. Emu had that flight accident...and had to have plastic surgery....changed her name to Emanuel to keep the wolves away. Jimmy never stopped loving her.. He saw her in the window...and his life coach kept telling her "Don't Do it" But Jimmy couldn't resist.... ......push came to shove.... And Emu knew it was in his kiss.. Please share this story to give comfort to those who are shut-ins and don't get out much. This is the link: https://singhasongflower...