I love horses

Link to this blogpost: https://singhasongflower.blogspot.com/2022/10/i-love-horses.html?m=1 Peppermoon is his name, I think: I Love Lucy Show aired before Carol Burnett - both pro's in comedy! @Scottymechanic @Fallontaylor__ @itchyboots @WuauquikunaOff1 #Wuauquikuna "🐴 🎵 The "rave horse's" amazing #Tokyo2020 routine!" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/T_9JzbanR3w This pony looks like she rolled in the hay with a horse, her Foal is so big! https://youtu.be/MGuoqy-c3Gk #YouTubeShorts - Horses come in many different colors https://youtube.com/shorts/0CqK4sBWFl8?feature=share Posted 10/12/2022 Pase Doble by #ILoveHorses "Frédéric Pignon & Magali Delgado - Full LIVE" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/FVX8pAuGKI4 @PamMinick shares "North American Six Horse Hitch Classic Series Finals 2019" on YouTube - https://youtu.be/QdudIq0baZg Watch "Funny and Cute Horse Videos in 2023 That Will Change Your Mood For Good"...