I love Pitstops

 Link to this blogpost πŸ₯°



This is my premier of My Revised Table Of Contents. This is a hobby. It is not up to date but blogger has created a search mechanism now πŸ₯° Copy, share what you want.


πŸŽ„ I think this issue is resolved now. I made some changes to the best of my ability. --2/9/2025 

I am unable to pull up my other blog due to cyber crime by ❓️  - removing it! And they will not restore it with my password which I recently changed! That must have angered the criminals who stalk me and harm me all the time! They are trying to evict me with lies! Saying I didn't pay SECTION 8 rent for August and September  and even though I proved I did with the checks and dates they were cancelled, that was not enough! 

I will use this for my Pitstop of Information for December 2024...and beyond till it gets too big ...and will make a Pitstop #2..... that is my solution for January and beyond on this blogpost.  Copy and share what you want. Make it your own words. I don't want any attention. The crooked elites exploit me as much as they can. 


     Chaos in South Korea used as a Distraction by the criminal politicians in USA? And Trump😑 has Elon Musk😝 in his admin now. Musk is obviously tied to BEEHIVE TECHNOLOGY😈 -  microchipped! And that technology is part of the Technocracy - even global to a certain degree yet BRICSπŸ₯° has done much to keep them out! 

@KingCharlesiib @MFA_Russia @MFA_China @IranGovernment @HassanRouhani @PMOIndia @JPN_PMO -I can't pull up Twitter addresses from here ; see full title of video. DISTRACTION?


South Korea's president throws nation into political chaos with martial ... - https://youtube.com/watch?v=36Qx1WIiFqs&si=IVPICdhaPJ8XIpAr 

And that's what I think of DOGE! More expense to US Gov, making Elon Musk in charge to STEAL MONEY FROM USGOV! What is it backwards? E-God! @Scottymechanic @bobforgovernor @_whitneywebb @AbubakarSh90948 @ImranKhanPTI @fr_Khamenei @XiJimping @KremlinRussia_E

       Spider thinks he's like people
@WhitneyWebb @ZentnerNick #GeologyNick #MyronCook
"Do spiders know us?''- What are you thought? #jumpingspider #nature #f... - https://youtube.com/shorts/j1KjElft7XI?si=WykHiz8w8PmUZCN6

This Will Double Your Gas Mileage - says @Scottymechanic
"I HAVE GAS!" I just had to say that 🀣  https://youtube.com/shorts/Clz_SFJizbM?si=V_uF2EQ4Yfd4GetW

@KingCharlesiib @MFA_Russia @MFA_China @IranGovernment @HassanRouhani @PMOIndia @JPN_PMO -I can't pull up Twitter addresses from here ; see full title of video. DISTRACTION?
South Korea's president throws nation into political chaos with martial ... - https://youtube.com/watch?v=36Qx1WIiFqs&si=IVPICdhaPJ8XIpAr

     I unfollowed Mr. DANSON because he tweeted Jane Fonda as a BFF- "Hanoi Jane" handed over the SSNs that American POWs gave her when shaking her hand. They were tortured and some died. I was turned-off by the Turners swapping sex parties too. 

@TedDanson Why isn't this trending on Twitter? Congratulations Mr. TED DANSON! That is truly a rewarding topper for your career to get a CarolBurnett award πŸ₯° cheers! 🍻
#MoonshineWA https://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory/ted-danson-honored-carol-burnett-award-golden-globes-116382812

Hey, Scotty,did you hear about big biz wanting to drill in Balize's ocean? Carol Burnett Award winner @TedDanson tweeted about it. I wonder what @jayleno thinks and @jimmyfallon warns about "Tarballs in your mouth" 🀣🎡🎢🎡🎢

That's tweet! πŸ¦‰@SWFGowildlife
@RobertFuller in UK Has a wildlife reserve
@TheBirdsNerd #MoonshineWA

Posted 12/4/2024 

Do you think it's sincere? πŸ€ͺ

How the Psyops work their way in your head! 

He isn't a looney...listen to him. πŸ’―πŸ‘ Psychologist @samvaknin explains tactics like this by the extreme Narcissists etc....yes, they get a "high" from it! 


Posted 12/6/2024

This is why I unfollowed Ted Danson despite being awarded @CarolBurnett3 award: HANOI JANE took all SSN's of US POW's and handed them over to N Vietnamese - resulting in extreme torture of those PIW's. Some of whom died. Others lived to tell about it. Danson's sense of humor? 


     * N Vietnamese could speak English - the majority of military at that time attended US Schools! 

     *Most S Vietnamese could not speak English, yet USA defended them because it brought chaos and confusion to put more spin on it! 

I could say more but don't have time now. The Hanoi Jane story was validated. And of course Ted Turner and Jane Fonda were into sex parties and more depravity. They were involved with switching sex partners. No faithful marriage there! 

It isn't bad enough they proceed on an #IllegalEviction case for nonpayment of rent-was PROVEN itWas paid! The "judge" has a proxy say she is Judge Alayana Stone PLUS her Juris No. is fake! https://singhasongflower.blogspot.com/2024/11/home-on-deranged.html?m=1

Posted 12/11/2024 

    What happened to Geopolitical Economy Report? 

I mannered to open a new one about court and judicial branch with a picture of a tree with a broken branch...


I look up attorneys. They either have an illegal Pro Hac Vice appearance or aren't there. 

 just look up anything. Some attorneys have NY addresses yet are listed as Active instead of PRO Hac Vice in CT. 

A woman by the name of Anne D Bradley has cases against her. She apparently works for DCF. 

I wonder if she realizes the court system is all screwed up. That is my conclusion here in CT. 

I will attach some random things. You may want to research your own state to see if they are being above board. 

I don't know what else to say.

This is really really tiring. I would share this with another person but he had a severe family emergency and frankly she may have been a targeted victim. 

I hope none of you are/will be  harmed. 

If this is the Anne Bradley I met at GE a long time ago, my hunch is she is targeted by frauds stealing her money. Even if she isn't; she may be targeted. 

This could be a massive pandira's box and I am sharing this concern in my blog - probably 

Geopolitical Economy Report plus 
Michael Rossi blogpost

He's Prof of Political Science at a Univ in NYC. Those blogposts. 


Random screenshots which may or may not make sense: 

I do not trust "GotIt" messages so when they kicked me out of my own Gmail accts and told me the only way I can access it is by saying "Got It" -- I said "Shove it where there sun don't shine!" I access it through Chrome only now. 

Judges are supposed to be in Juris lookup, but I cannot find any I search for! 

Kevin Russo is supposedly a judgein New London but no Juris Number and his name isn't on the list. He's a crook; I can say that much. Based on personal experience.  


My damn phone won't rotate so I can watch this better; even though it's on auto-rotate! 

🌲posted  12/25/2024

Several notes are gone
Speaking of pisstops...🀣 

Noraly's dilemma! 

Watch Geopolitical Economy Report, Norway! Iraq is a very dangerous place now since Syria was disrupted by terrorists. Please get out for your own sake. I love the President of Iraq, it's not that.

Looks like a satellite about 150° from/over the moon. It's not moving 

German In Venice ❤️GIV 

Talks about his mother's progression and Serious #LAFires! Obviously caused by Trump's laser weapons!  Ordered by another President Traitor!
Update on mom's progress; and WTF fires in Los Angeles! 
Take care of your liver πŸ₯° Dr. Gina Sam 

I don't have time to crop these...

5 signs your liver is malfunctioning : 
1. Abdominal bloating 
2. Color of feces is light 
3. Skin is dry, Itchy 
4. Your body has a smell/odor
5.  Jaundice (yellow in eyes, skin is a yellow tone) 

Posted 1/9/2025
I'll be bGermanack to explain
RIP Jimmy Carter πŸ₯°πŸ™❤️
Day of Mourning and funeral September 9, 2025 

Why is this 4-month old 

article resurfaced now? Because Trump is conspiring with Obama/Biden again!
@mfa_russia @MFA_China
@_whitneywebb @GeopoliticaEcon


Posted 12Jan2025 

@Mintmobile Many thanks to "V" again plus #Avin - voice-mail issue resolved! πŸŒžπŸ’›πŸ€—
#SunriseCT #MintMobile is like a green m&m! 🟒 #GeologyNick #MoonshineWA

Posted 1/12/2025 πŸŽπŸ“«

Ever wonder where your green m&m went? The Triple Junction! @ZentnerNick #GeologyNick explains #NowLivestreaming! Sat 11am EST

This video by Geology expert #MyronCook explains oil comes from kerogen, which is why it is a fossil fuel. Contrary to what #DebraTavaris claims

This channel is an excellent source for reality on internet.  He also provides solutions. @JoeImbriano777 @Bobforgovernor @Scottymechanic

         SHIPPING 🚒 

Prof Mercagliano reports "Russia is increasing defense" as if it has nothing to worry about, so why?

My comment:
NATO sucks! They have destroyed a harmless Russian ship docked at their own port! Using a nuclear weapon! NATO was in the Red Sea! Uncharted waters  because they had no permission.  I was perplexed with Prof Mercagliano 's "Why's everybody always picking on me" and described it as a US ship which validates how homogeneous NATO is with US 😀

     Though I found him to be the best resource in shipping, this video just reflects how weak in policy the USA is in shipping.Just not enough good leaders who do not consider war as an Answer!
I'm finding @mercoglianos political thought typical freemasonry-style:
"WE ONLY CARE ABOUT OUR SELF-SERVING WANTS" & Our lies are bc we want truth πŸ™„

Did Russia lose this oil tanker or is USA lying again? He had  reported a ship named Robert G Bradley sank a Russian ship - when the RGB was retired & scrapped = BLOB Bradley!! I suggested he ck his sources.

Most likely CIA is paying the smugglers like USA funds terrorists in Ukraine since 2014 - and to make everything fit,
I see this report and tweeted this:
Did Russia lose this oil tanker or is USA lying again? He had  reported a ship named Robert G Bradley sank a Russian ship - when the RGB was retired & scrapped = BLOB Bradley!! I suggested he ck his sources.

This is a "Don't try this at home" like video!
Ben Norton of Geopolitical Economy Report has warned his sources say that Iraq and Iran are in danger now. Not a good place for the Lovely "Queen" Itchy Boots to be now!

They were having a grellow day 🀣 #SunriseCT #MoonshineWA yellow+grey

Shows pumace the shape of popcorn and all the unique features of this area on #MotherEarth

The Fettucini family welcomes her with open bank account arms #MarryForMoney *Grandma In Venice 🀣

@BankofAmerica Thank you to #Niki for helping me 4Jan2025 on a fraud concern! Sorry I didn't tweet this sooner. #AkkaCadabra
Visit @FallonTonight if you get in town. @blancolirioYT & @petersantenello & @Scottymechanic & @ZentnerNick &peeps too

The window saw her and couldn't resist!  @FallonTonight

This was The Walnuts on Walnut MountainπŸ€—πŸ’› #HappyHolidays2025 #MoonshineWA

@Mintmobile Many, many thanks in helping with my activations! "V" helped me earlier and Sony just helped me; I didn't even need to be on wifi for this follow-up. I was getting a fraudulent warning. She was very good assuring me.  #HappyNewYear2025 #MoonshineWA

@ZentnerNick interviews Geologist Jason McLoughry regarding Clarna magmas
#MoonshineWA  #CascadeMountains

@Scottymechanic shares the second best liquid you want. (The first is  #MoonshineWA πŸ˜…) cheers! 🍻

@mfa_russia @MFA_China @RoyalFamily @kingcharlesiiib @_whitneywebb @AbubakarSh90948 @joeimbriano777
With all due respect,
@sundarpichai - the greedy internet technocracy are ruining this country USA. #SunriseCT

Posted 1/13/2025 


Bob Braxton πŸ₯° made this video to show current devastation caused by #LAFires - I suggest ppl visit @joeimbriano777b πŸ₯° I never noticed a "b" in Joe's Twitter account.  He may have had to open a new one because they do everything to Diminish his followers! 
He's given this alot of sincere thought but I disagree with the communism label; it's #Superimperialism - see @GeopoliticaEcon πŸ₯°


@Mintmobile OMG I think I forgot to thank Joy πŸ₯° for helping me today 14Jan2025 - I called around 10 or 10:30 am EST I think. She was very thorough and so friendly 🌞#PrayForPalisades #SunriseCT @joeimbriano777

Posted 1/14/2025


Trump announced he would AD to the conflict in Ukraine! 

For four years he funded billions a year for Ukraine to war/terrorize Russia - yet what did he say in his vampaign? He would END Ukraine's terrorizing and stop funding them! 

Alot of us realize Trump is directly involved with the Palisades fires in Los Angeles CA! He bought tons of laser weapons 5 months before he torched Paradise, which has a poetic sound to Palisades - and will be good material for entertainers! 

This is the press conference Mariah Zarkova is talking on: 

Martin Luther King, Jr
"Say That I was a drum major!" 

The Superior leader gets things done 

He imparts instruction not through many words

But through  a few deeds.

He keeps informed about everything 

But interferes hardly at all.

He is a catalyst.

And though things wouldn't get done as well

If he weren't there,

When they succeed, he takes no credit 

Credit never leaves him.

And when the work is done,

The people are pleased, 

Because they think they did it themselves.


Tao-ti Ching 

By Lao-Tai 

6th Century B.C. 





Kim Jong Un 
His brother was leader of N Korea and was MURDERED. He was living comfortably in Sweden, I think! He left Sweden and returned to his home country to become leader of N Korea. Like N Vietnam  and South Vietnam - we are deceived about what is really the political virus that is disrupting societies! 9


Don't subscribe to "We Love Africa" bc it is rooted in USA, not Africa. I am discussed with their clickbait! People sign up as military not so they will die! So their country can live! @mfa_russia @Russia @KremlinRussia_E @NKorea @KimJongUnique

Robert Braxman is the real deal! Subscribe!!! He is helping us to know what is going on!

Posted 2/12/2025

      My Response to what I thought was an accomplished company selling reliable supplements.

What we have is ORGANIZED CYBER CRIMINALS disrupting this country!

They are liars! Thieves! 


Re: AKKA Order 

Dear Valentine, 

Thank you for the prompt reimbursement. 

I did not get this 2/3 Gmail from you when I responded a few days ago. I apologize for the confusion, yet rest assured that I want ti be part of the solution! 

I am so bogged down with making court documents for my TWO Appeals. I have been so greatly harmed by this dishonest landlord, who claims to be owner yet us NOT owner - this $2.2 billion  building has been passed to remove liability. Quit claimed for just a dollar! Nothing I cared to learn about but they have harmed me so much. The stress has caused me to gain weight - I used to be 125 pounds, 5'3". 

I cannot print your RA until I  get to aprinter that can connect my phone. As much as I really like the FedEx store, they use DropBox for this service, which is ultimately malware -the Technocracy "has us by the balls!"  - I will still go there as a last resort to print the RA. Yet I think another source may be able to help me. 

Rest assured, I want to return these asap - because this landlord is part of organized crime and I have done all I can to manage things here, with them constantly vandalizing, stealing, and more. And I have a federal poverty level income! 

I will notify you when I get that package returned. 

This is just one of my blogposts about the struggles I am going through - on a case with no merit!The landlord's Notice To Quit only accused me of not paying rent in August and September! I produced the checks! The bank manager wrote on those copies they were cashed! 

They are dragging me through the coals!

Our food is indeed a risk factor! The "organic food" agenda is overall a big sham! I have been poisoned several times, twice I was on Cipro for 10 days! I was looking forward to cleansing and healing my liver to burn my fat rather than store it. 

I do all I can to keep the technocrats from sinc'ing my devices and accounts- yet they have been able to connect more dots lately because I have regrettably had to use my real name. The technocrats are not our friends. They are greedy, evil, dishonest.  I hope umyou enjoyed Valentine's Day with your loved One. That is what makes us human - not this depraved Oneness, anything goes, Order Of Barbarians! 


    My phone just altered/blocked the images I was using #KnowTheEnemy 
I could care less about knowing what the hell Gigby or Tenor are! 


Anne Bradley 

On Saturday, February 8, 2025, Akka Superbiotics <hello@tryakka.com> wrote:

So it's 3/8/2025 and the charger keeps flashing its charge just to interfere with what I'm doing and more. 

I was on my blogpost about the Illegal Eviction Housing corruption, titled 
Home, Home on the Deranged 

And I was blocked from making more updates!
Ghis one is updating OK- so far, that is!

This is the love note I sent to Google: 

Why has my blogpost been blocked at the top so I cannot save what I entered? I was updating it abd the orange arrow showed. Then it was blocked! This is a Samsung phone and my landlord, which is involved with a lot of organized crime, uses many Samsung products and I've found this phone to be more if a cyber weapon! They shouldn't have any power to manipulate my phone! I suspect that is a big thing they are doing to me since it was working and my blogpost got hacked!  Google Assistant could also be a culprit. 
Thank you for your attention. 3/8/2025 

I tried to strike out the"stay put" Jargon  because I didn't type that! Iam doing all I can toget the hell out of this hellhole caused by organized crime! I have few options so I am seeking also Emergency Shelter! 

Most likely my notes will not update on that blogpost! All because of organized crime! 

What am I working on now? I'm working on my publiusroots blog for one thing. This damn phone lost all my notes of 5 years. No doubt this crooked landlord that illegally enters all the time did it!

Why the hell did these depraved cyber bastards just underline my first words, "What am" - they use internet Asa demented playground to hype themselves up so when they kill people they won't feel guilty!


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